The essence and meaning of dream catchers

This magical object has its origins in Indian tribes, but its tradition and usage goes even further in the past and is not limited only to the North American Indian tribes, as it is often presented. Every nation comes from a tribe, the fact we have forgotten about in today's modern society overfilled with technology. The simple interpretation that is often used is that "the trap captures bad dreams". What does, however, a dream catcher actually mean? Why are we limiting its impact only for the night? It is a magical, ritual and protective object whose energy constantly radiates. Its circular, oval or triangular form is an enclosed space, representing an endless cycle of energy, such as life, day and night, seasons of the year. Every beginning has an end and the end is the beginning of something else. Dream catcher was created to balance energy and to protect against negative energies. The very negative impacts of the environment, the negative information that overwhelms us from the media, negative attitudes and habits are often reflected in our sleep. Worries, fear, anxiety, anger, etc. make us toss and turn all night. Dream catcher reflects the negative energies and restores harmony. Gradually, it was supplemented by combinations of colours and different materials that strengthen the positive aspects of man, act on chakras, strengthen CHI, equalize or strengthen the jin-jang energies, etc.



THE LEGEND SAYS that a man named Phytonabelus (a spider man who was making spider webs) was seated next to a woman who was holding a crying baby. The woman did not know what to do, and she was not able to make her child comfortable. She knew what was wrong with the baby and she wanted to give the baby a good sleep. This spider man made a web and told her it was a special web that captures all evil demons and the baby would sleep well. The first morning rays would burn it, and thus burn all the evil forces that the web had captured.

That's why dream catchers were usually hanging at the house entrances to protect the whole family, and the morning sun rays cleaned the catchers from the negative energies. If a dream catcher is hung inside a house, it is good to take it more often out on the sun to clean it from the negative energy.

How were and still are up to this day dream catchers made by shamans?

The original dream catchers of the many tribes from various parts of the world may not quite match the expectations of modern people. We know them as symmetrical nets, which are most frequently made into circles, supplemented with beads and feathers, symmetrically divided on the circumference of the circle, often decorated with coins, shells, gemstones and other objects used to reinforce the positive aspects of the person for whom the catcher is made.

Most often, it was a shaman, a healer, the elderly man of the family or other important personalities within a tribe, who created dream catchers with the help of other family members. The shapes were made with natural materials that bend well and are easy to form so they never create sharp edges. Energy has to flow. It depicts life, activity, flow, movement, it does not break. They were intertwined with plant fibres or wool (wool from their own animals because they were members of their family as well).

Fruit shells (we use wooden beads) in a circular shape were placed on the catcher based on their family members. This is the most important point. For example: A couple is actually one whole, two joined fruits, they have children - male and female, so they split the beads of fruits on the left and the right side, they have living ancestors (parents, grandparents), so they also place fruit shells accordingly (beads). It is as if their family tree is represented, and everybody who visits them can learn from a dream catcher the structure of their family. Feathers represent the ancestors. The strength and power of the ancestors is significant and very strong. We are them and they are the energy that protects us, helps and supports us. This power of living and non-living energies helps to protect us against negative influences and promotes harmony, happiness and love.

In this way, they also created dream catchers to support childbirth, or a wedding dream catcher - which is a completely different category. Its energy depicts the combination of the energy of the wedding guests, families and ancestors. It is a beautiful and very artistic work, full of powerful energy. Wedding dream catcher is further ritually sanctified – it is cleansed in a magical circle with the bride and the groom in its centre and the whole ceremony is accompanied by shamanic dances, music, special drinks, etc.

I like to create dream catchers based on their original structures. Every individual is unique as his or her dream catcher should be. Each family is one unique cell and its energy has its own strength, essence and depth. These dream catchers are custom-made, as everyone is unique.

In my offer you will find dream catchers that have different focus, and each type of energy is described in detail. I would be glad to advise you and answer your questions.

I want to thank my teacher and mentor and her shamans for valuable information and knowledge that allow me to create these protective objects and put the right energies into them.